Avocado : Loaded with Vitamin C & E. Avocados are excellent for keeping skin soft supple and healthy and for maintaining glossy hair. High in Omega-3 fatty acids, they help prevent wrinkles, enhance brain power and treat arthritic pain. They contain the antioxidant lutein, which has been shown to protect against eye problems and cardiovascular disease.
Walnuts : Walnuts contain melatonin, a hormone that regulates sleep and also acts as a powerful antioxidant. Consuming walnut in the evening leads to sound sleep.
Sunflower seeds : One tablespoon of sunflower seeds provides 8.35 mcg of selenium. Men with high level of selenium have a 49 % lower incedence of advanced prostate cancerthan thoswe with the lowest levels.
Cucumber : It helps to maintain a youthful appearance, thanks to its hydrating and anti inflammatory properties. When ingested, the high water and balanced mineral content makes it one the best diuretics.Cucumber is rich source of silica, a mineral needed for healthy skin, bone and connective tissue. Silica also plays a major role in preventing cardiovascular disease and osteoporosis.
Flaxseeds : One tablespoon of flaxseeds will give you 2.3 grams of OMEGA-3 fatty acids (read in details about Omega-3, in "Facts about Fats" below), which are linked to reduced risk of heart disease, Alzheimer's and depression. It also inhibits cancer cell growth. (Picture of flaxseeds shown at left ).
Ginseng : Consuming Ginseng counters mental fatigue and nervous disorders. The main health benefits are derived from its roots, which are chewed to recover form bad health.
Oatmeal : A magical food. It strengthens the nervous system and has tranquilizing and relaxing effects. It can be cooked with milk or water.
Cardamom : Regular intake of cardamom sharpens and stimulates the mind. It also counters premenstrual tension and attendant irritation.
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