Friday, December 08, 2006

Simple measures - Big differences

Simple measures can make a big difference. Basic advice is :
* Cut down on fried foods and use olive oil (a monounsaturated fat) for cooking and in salad dressings.
* Use spreads (Butter, Margarines) sparingly. Although it is a saturated fat, a little butter on bread is arguably better for you than soft margarines (made from sunflower, safflower or soya).
* Reduce consumption of processed foods as these are normally high in saturated or Omega-6 fats.
* Increase consumption (two meals a week) of oil-rich fish like Salmon, Sardines, Mackerel, Trout, Herring, Pilchards, fresh Tuna (not canned) OR take a Fish Oil Supplement daily. These supplements are available in a variety of 'strengths'. Aim for a regime that supplies a minimum 1000mg Omega-3 a day.

Vegetarians and vegans will need to obtain their omega-3s from sources such as flaxseed (linseed) oil, walnuts and walnut oil or vegetarian omega-3 supplements. Because the Omega-3s and omega-6s compete on the same metabolic pathway and the Omega-6s may block conversion of Omega-3 ALA to the more useful Omega-3 * EPA and DHA, non-fish eaters must be extra vigilant in cutting down on Omega-6 intake.

How to increase Omega-3 intake :
In simple terms, the best and richest sources of the Omega-3 fatty acids are oil-rich fish and fish or cod liver oil Supplements. This is because they supply the preferred omega-3's eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acids (EPA and DHA) that the body can use most readily.

Fish v Supplements : Fish has the advantage of supplying a meal as well as omega-3 fats. However, environmentalists have raised concerns over levels of mercury, PCBs and dioxins in some fish; the content varies according to location season and type of fish.
In reputable fish oil or cod liver oil supplements, the refining process filters out pollutants (the Ocean Gold process). Fish-source supplements are also acceptable to those people, apart from vegetarians and vegans, who don't eat fish. A new cod liver oil capsule has been launched by Seven Seas in the UK for the few (estimated at 20%) who suffer from 'fishy repeating'. It is refined using an emulsification process and natural odour neutralizer.

Disclaimer : Information on on fish oil compiled and summarized on this page is provided for informational and educational purposes only and is not meant to substitute the advise by your physician or other medical practitioner. You must not use the information for diagnosing or treating a disease. If you have a medical problem, consult your physician.

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