Sunday, November 12, 2006

Life style & Food habits

Introduction :
The subject which I am trying to present before you is not a new or unknown one. To some extend it is known to everybody but we don't follow or can't follow due to the changed lifestyle. It is my pleasure to say few things about wellness, nutrition and good habits for living a healthy life.

Changed Lifestyle & Food habits:
The human diet today is vastly different from that of our ancestors. For early mankind, hunting, fishing and food gathering were a survival imperative and as a consequence human beings evolved on 'natural' foods supplying a diet that was high in nutritional value.

The diet changes have taken place in the last few decades and as a result, today we are very much dependent on the processed foods and most significantly, vegetable oils and spreads. We seldom take fresh fruits and vegetables.


Your food shall be your medicine’ –said by Hippocrates, a famous of all Greek physicians. Hippocratic philosophy, they might be that nature has an innate power of healing, and that diseases are closely linked to the physical environment.

Sir Robert McCarrison one of the best known nutritionists said : The right kind of food is the most important single factor in the promotion of health and The wrong kind of food is the most important single factor in the promotion of disease.

From the above it is understood that right kind of food is the key factor for a good healthy life. At least 45 Nutrients are needed by human cells. These essential nutrients must be present in our daily foods/diets to maintain optimal health. The 45 Nutrients are Oxygen & Water (2) and Other 43 essential nutrients are classified into five main groups such as Vitamins, Minerals, Proteins, Fats and Carbohydrates. All 45 of these nutrients are important and they work together. Therefore, the absence of any of them will result in disease and eventually in death.

Due to adoption of wrong food habits weekens the defence system or lowered resistance in the body causing diseases. The food or group of food contains all these 45 nutrients is the balance food for maintenance of good health. A well-balanced and correct diet is thus of utmost importance for the maintenance of good health and the healing of diseases. The 45 nutrients which are essential for human cells are known as essential nutrients. These essential nutrients must be present in our daily foods.

It has been seen that diseases produced by the nutritional deficiencies can be corrected when all the nutrients are supplied. A well-balanced and correct diet is thus of utmost importance for living healthy and the early healing of diseases.

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