Saturday, June 02, 2007

Love your life

Smoking is most popular among youth to show cool attitude. This happens when they are in high school or in college, mostly to impress the girl friends. It is an addiction, the bad habit cultivated at young age , it is nearly impossible to come out from that. It not only affects the smoker but also people around him (passive smokers). Thus a smoker is affecting his life as well as his wife and his children.

“Inhalation of tobacco smoke causes several immediate responses within the heart and blood vessels. Within one minute the heart rate begins to rise, increasing by as much as 30 percent during the first 10 minutes of smoking. Carbon monoxide in tobacco smoke exerts its negative effects by reducing the blood’s ability to carry oxygen.”

“Medical research has determined that chronic tobacco smoking is a major contributing factor towards many health problems, particularly Lung cancer, Emphysema and cardiovascular diseases.”

Smoking also causes wrinkles, yellow teeth, bad breath beside the above mentioned major health problems. Thus smoking not only chills but also kills you. If you choose to smoke, you choose a shortcut path to hell. Try to love your life and stop infecting innocents around you.

“Quoted” matters from Wikipedia