A colourful diet rich in vibrant fruits and vegetables not only aids weight loss but also helps reduce cancer risks. A rich and colourful diet is a great way to ensure overall good health.
Red - Red colour fruits and vegetables are rich in nutrients like lycopene and ellagic acid. These nutrients help lessen the harmful effects of free radicals, lower blood pressure and the risk of prostrate cancer.
Easily found in - Red apples, red cherries, red plums, strawberries, watermelon, beet root, eggplants, radishes, red cabbage, red chilies, red peppers, tomatoes.
Orange - Orange colour fruits and vegetables are high in beta-carotene, an excellent antioxidant. These foods contain also vitamin C which keeps your immune system strong and gums healthy.
Easily found in - Carrot, pumpkin, apricot, mango, peach, ginger, turmeric, sweet corn and raisins.
Purple - Purple colour fruits and vegetables are abundant in vitamin C, fibre and flavonoids and support eye health, improve immune system activity, support healthy digestion and limit cancer cells activities.
Easily found in - Purple plums, purple grapes, beans, beetroot tops, brinjal, purple cabbage, purple onions, blueberries.
Green - Green vegetables are loaded with chlorophyll, fibre, calcium, vitamin C, calcium, and beta-carotene. The nutrients found in green colour vegetables reduce cancer risks, lower blood pressure and enhance digestion.
Easily found in - Sprouts, broccoli, lettuce, spinach, cucumbers, cabbage, lime, green bell pepper, basil, mint, peas and green beans.
Yellow - Loaded with beta-carotene, potassium, and vitamin C, yellow colour fruits and vegetables enhance collagen formation and healthy joints and fight harmful free radicals.
Easily found in - Yellow apples, grapefruit, limes, pineapples, brown and yellow lentils, almonds, pumpkin and yellow peppers.
White - White colour fruits and vegetables contain nutrients such as beta-glucans and lignans that boost your immune system activity. These nutrients balance hormone level and reduce the risks of cancers related to colon and breast.
Easily found - White peaches, bananas, cauliflower, garlic, potatoes, shallots and turnips.
Source - India Syndicate thru www.in.msn.com